Backup, Restore, Merge & Import

Collection Data Handling Features

With v3.1 of My Collections we are adding features to allow you to restore collections from a backup, or importing data from a CSV file.

The existing "export" feature to save your collections has been renamed "backup" as this file can be used to "restore" your collections.

Overview of Features

There's some overlap in these features so it's worth recapping what each provides and suggest when it should be used.

Backup (previously export)

This allows you to backup your collection data to a ZIP file that can be stored off your phone. The backup will save all the collections you own to a single JSON document that is compressed as a ZIP file. 

The backup option can be found in the navigation menu.

Limitations of backup:

CSV Export

There is an option in each collections search screen to save a CSV file of the current search results. This is a simple data format that can be used to save a partial copy of the collection.

CSV export is useful if you want a quick copy of the collection that can be used for further processing, e.g. use in a spreadsheet to total up item values, etc.

Limitations of CSV export:

CSV Import

There is an option in the collections menu to import data from a CSV file. The import guides you through how the rows in the CSV file should be mapped to fields or tags in a collection. It will create fields or tags where necessary. For more details, see Import CSV Collection

The CSV import option can be find in the collection's menu.

Note that this is only available to paid subscribers. 

Restore Collection 

This feature allows you to restore a collection from a backup file. For each selected collection from the backup, it will create a new collection that is functionally identical to the ones taken from the backup.

You may want to restore a collection from a backup if you accidently delete a collection, or if you want to clone it. 

It is possible to restore a collection that you do not own. This would allow you to move a collection from one account to another. You automatically become the owner of any restored collections. 

The restore option can be found in the navigation menu.

Note that this is only available to paid subscribers.

Limitations when restoring a collection:

Merging Collections

It is possible to selectively merge the collections you own into one collection. You might want to do this if you realise that your collections are similar enough to be together and can share tags and custom fields.

Merging is straightforward. Simply open the Merge Collections screen from the navigation bar and you will see the collections you own. Select two or more collections and  press the "merge" button. This will create a new collection with the merged collections as containers. Once you are happy with your merged collection, you can delete the original collections without affecting the merged collection.

Limitations when merging collections: