Background Upload

Note: This is an experimental feature. Please report any issues to


With release 3.2 we've added an option to enable the uploading of images in the background. This change will significantly improve the speed at which you can create and save items, as you will no longer have to wait for the images to be uploaded. 

This change also allows for some item creation capability when you have no network connectivity.

How does it work?

When an item is created we now capture the images to be stored and save them to your device without uploading them to the cloud. 

After a few seconds, a background process will be triggered that starts to upload the images to the cloud. 

When viewing an item that has images waiting to be uploaded, you will see a small cloud icon in the centre of the image. When an image is being uploaded you will see a progress bar at the bottom of the image.

Because this is an experimental feature, we've disabled it behind a toggle. To enable it, open the navigation drawer and tap the 'Background uploading' checkbox. You can disable this feature by tapping the toggle button again.

Things to be aware of

Image other users see when there are offline images in an item.